Friday, May 22, 2009

Letter from Tobie

  • It's Not Over Is It?!?!

So today was the last day of my Sophomore Year in High School and BOY WAS IT A CRAZY ONE!! I honestly can't imagine how different my 1st year in high school would have been without having the AMAZING Kylee and Kazhia by my side. These two seniors have seen it all and definitely showed me the "do's and don't s" of high school laced together with a gagillion laughs!! Tonight they're graduating and I for one couldn't be anymore happier for them and for where they're going to end up in life. I couldn't have asked for two better mentors this year in high school and i feel blessed that even though i only got to spend a year with them in high school, they've taught me so much!! I don't have anything bad to say about these two lovely ladies (not that i ever have anything bad to say about anyone) but i just want the whole world to know how much I love and appreciate them and their advice! I'm going to miss them like crazy but hopefully i can share a few extra Fresa Parties with them before they move on with their lives. Kazhia, you are so smart, beautiful, and a HUGE example to me! I hope you have a wonderful time at BYU and maybe bring home a hot return missionary, eh? eh? lol. Kylee, you are such a sweet girl who deserves a guy that's going to adore you and love you always because you're worth it! Now that you're beginning your journey into the real world, don't forget to remember me and all the good times we've had. If you're ever feeling down and need a good "pick-me-up" you know who to find!! :) :) :) I love you girlies so so so much!! You will not be forgotten at Skyline High School because I'm going to make sure that everyone knows "The kind of student I am at Skyline is the one who looked to Kylee Stradling and Kazhia Mellor for guidance."
  • NO, It's Not Over Tobie!!!!

Tobie, I have to say that you are the sweetest girl ever! I cried like a little.. who knows what when I read this! It means so much to me to hear that I was an impact for good on you during this last year!! I WILL NEVER forget you Tobie Ann!! Fresa parties will still be thrown on a regular basis too, no worries :) I love you so much, YOU'VE given ME an amazing senior year too! You never fail to make me laugh like a little banchie during seminary, I've learned not to look at you when your leading the music however! lol This may have been the end of my High School years, but it is not anything close to the end of my "Partying With Tobie Years!!" I love you Babe, and thank you so----> much for your sweet letter, It means more to me than you'll know!
Kylee Nicole


  1. Kylee, i love you to pieces!! phew! i'm so glad that our partying days aren't over yet :) :) :) hahaha. oh geez, we had some pretty funny moments when i was leading the music in seminary. the only time you were safe from laughs was when you were the one playing the piano! i can't wait to see what other crazy times you and i are gonna have together!! love you bunches!!
    -tobie/the one with a crooked spine/dr. jing ju/some crazy white mexican

  2. OMG!!! How come I didn't see this thing earlier?!?!?!?! TOBIE!!! You are so so so sweet and special and I love you!! This summer will be an amazingly crazy fun one! I would know! HAHAHA!


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