Nikki Left Thursday morning, so Wednesday night me and Kaz went to her house to play the WII and have a Fresa party! We had a BLAST of a good time! Here's a little of what happened that night!
Nikki and Charlotte with one last goodbye together! Me and Nikki crying (sort of) together!Kaz and Nikki making the face we'll all be making for a few days!So this picture has a funny story behind it! We were trying to both kiss her cheek, and we were about to take the picture when i started laughing and spit all over Nikki's cheek!! Bahahaha!!Ahhh... Here we go. The perfect shot!
Then Thursday morning at 6:00 Nikki came to my house to say Goodbye to me one last time before she left, and me for school... It was so so sad, but I'm so glad she did!
I miss her...everyday! I love you Nikki Chickie :)
Then Thursday morning at 6:00 Nikki came to my house to say Goodbye to me one last time before she left, and me for school... It was so so sad, but I'm so glad she did!
I miss her...everyday! I love you Nikki Chickie :)
Oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHHH!!! I miss her so so much right now!! I want to cry! I am going to be an emotional roller coaster wreck for like two weeks when I leave!!! This is all too much!! ='(