Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kylee and The City Bus....

For the past 5 weeks or so I've been moved out basically.
Living with either my sister, or my brother and his wife trading weeks,
and "visiting" home on the weekends.
This causing a lot of chaos for me
and other people involved, and not
to mention i would like to be in my own
bed with all my things
easily at my own access,
not on a couch anymore
living out of a bag!!

So my daddy had the brilliant idea to look at the bus routes.
Now since Daddy has a new job all the way in Tempe and Dallin
goes to work
around the mall at 6, I get dropped off at the bus stop
in front of the mall
at 5:45, then Dallin gets dropped off at work.
Then Dad has the suburban for the day to get to work.

So I take the City bus all the way from Power to Alma School and back every day!

I see some pretty crazy cr
eepers everyday, let me tell you!
Sometimes i try to snap a quick pic while acting like im texting,
but i get scared
sometimes! :/ Interesting fights break out between people too,
that's probably the scariest part!
But, i usually sit right behind the bus driver
so i don't have to be in the
crazy ruckus of the people back there! tee-hee!
Not to mention i can get off that thing A LOT quicker too! :) hahaha
But it is way worth it being able to be home now!
Im a little more tired
now, but I've lived on less sleep before :)

I'll see if i can find a way to get some pictures of weird things i see for you all!!
Here's one that i laughed at for a good while.
Not trying to take an inappropriate pic, just getting the JEAN SKIRT!
His whole presence looked like the hunter man from the
rescuers!!!! lol


  1. Wow, be afraid, be very afraid!!
    Too funny

  2. Kylee, I love your stories; you're hilarious! I happened to be sitting behind you guys in Sunday School when your dad said something like,"What about checking on the bus?" Only it sounded like "chicken on the bus" (that's what I thought he said too!). The conversation that followed just made me laugh. Your family is the greatest. I can't wait to hear more bus stories. Maybe you should make it a daily thing. :)

  3. oh no! u on a city bus!!!!:) hahahaha lolz


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